Privacy Policy

Monica Lopez Architect, LLC Privacy Policy

At Monica Lopez Architect, LLC, we promise to treat your data as we would like our own to be treated. Our Privacy Policy explains: how we use the information we collect; why we store, and why we retain it; and importantly, how you can request that your information is updated, corrected, or deleted.

Our detailed policy follows below. If you have any specific questions, please email us at

1.0 Introduction

Monica Lopez Architect, LLC’s Privacy Policy describes how Monica Lopez Architect, LLC, together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, process the personal information of our website visitors, clients, subconsultants and other third parties. It is not the exclusive description of how Monica Lopez Architect, LLC processes personal data of individuals.

2.0 How We Collect Personal Data

Information You Provide Directly

Monica Lopez Architect, LLC typically collects personal data directly from the individual to whom it relates, except where that individual has consented to Monica Lopez Architect, LLC collecting the personal information from a third party or the law otherwise permits Monica Lopez Architect, LLC to do so. You may voluntarily provide information, including personal information, to us by:

  • Signing up for our mailing list
  • Emailing Monica Lopez Architect, LLC about our services, employment opportunities, media requests, research requests and other business matters.

Information We Collect Automatically

Monica Lopez Architect, LLC will automatically collect and store limited information about you when you interact with our website via the following methods:

  • Google Analytics is a third-party service that uses cookies to measure, collect, analyze and report web data for purposes of optimizing the experience of users. Cookies are files with small amounts of data, which are sent to your browser from a website and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Monica Lopez Architect, LLC does not make any attempt to use Google Analytics to find out the identity of those visiting
  • Log data is information your browser sends us whenever you visit our website. Log data may include information such as your computer’s browser type, the browser version, the pages of our site that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, and other statistics.
  • Information from Third Parties. We may receive additional information about you from other publicly and commercially available sources, as permitted by law.

We may combine all of the information we collect or receive about you and use or disclose it in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.

3.0 Types of Personal Data We Collect

Personal Data

Personal data means any information relating to a person which enables them to be directly or indirectly identified. Personal data that we hold about you may include your contact details (e.g. name, phone number, address and email address), IP address, language and geolocation.

Job Applicant Data

If you are a job applicant, personal information we may hold about you may include the same data listed above in Personal Data, along with your education and work history, work authorization, professional licenses and/or certifications with your registration number(s), professional references, and confirmation that you are above the age of 18. We may seek to collect this information from you or from an employment agency acting on your behalf.

Company Information

Monica Lopez Architect, LLC may request that you provide additional information such as your company’s legal status, date of incorporation, place of incorporation, your company’s related entities, your company’s shareholding details, your relationship to any government official, your company’s tax identification numbers, country of origin, business and professional licenses, your company’s insurer, broker and insurance policies, and other information you consent to provide us for purposes of performing contracts or services.

We will take reasonable steps to ensure the personal information that we store is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

4.0 How Personal Data is Used

We only use your personal data when you have solicited our services or signed up for notifications regarding projects. Other uses of your data may include:

  • To perform services or carry out our contract with you;
  • To make informed decisions about business relationships and to prevent inadvertent engagement in illegal or corrupt practices;
  • To assess your suitability for employment;
  • To comply with Monica Lopez Architect, LLC regulatory and legal obligations;
  • To assess and respond to a complaint you might make to us;
  • For our own administrative purposes, including training our staff, conducting internal audits, or transferring assets as part of a sale, purchase or investment in the business;
  • For market research purposes;
  • To conduct investigations of suspicious or harmful activity;
  • To manage risks related to Monica Lopez Architect, LLC contracts and services; and
  • For communications and other marketing purposes.

Monica Lopez Architect, LLC does not sell personal information to others.

5.0 Information for Marketing Purposes

If you have consented to marketing by signing up for a newsletter or contacted us with questions, we may periodically send out notifications via email.

6.0 Retention of Personal Data

Monica Lopez Architect, LLC keeps your personal data for as long as it is necessary according to retention periods required by law.

7.0 Confidentiality and Security

Monica Lopez Architect, LLC will make every attempt to safeguard all personal data that we hold in a confidential and secure manner, and takes reasonable steps to respect personal privacy.

8.0 Third Parties

Where you submit information on behalf of another person, you confirm that you have made that person aware of how we may collect, use and disclose their information, the reason you have provided it, how they can contact us, the terms of this policy and that they have consented to such collection, use and disclosure.

9.0 Third Party Websites

Our website may provide hyperlinks to websites owned and controlled by other parties. Monica Lopez Architect, LLC is not responsible for the privacy practices of any website that it does not own or otherwise control.

10.0 Compliance

Monica Lopez Architect, LLC complies with the data protection and privacy laws to which it is subject.

11.0 Policy Changes

Due to changes in legal requirements, technology, and our services, this Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time.